With a mission centered on environmental education, wildlife conservation and the well-being of the animals, the Ecomuseum Zoo devotes itself entirely to Quebec’s wildlife. All the animals that live at the Ecomuseum Zoo have a story to tell: injured, orphaned or born under human care, they have found a safe and loving permanent home at the zoo. The well-being of the residents is the priority: everything is thought out to adapt to the needs of each animal! In a natural and enchanting setting, with the “Zoolympics” as the summer theme, don't miss your chance to make eye contact with Victor, the Coyote; Taj, the River Otter; Fenwick, the Golden Eagle; or August, the painted turtle! A great activity for the whole family or with friends!

Photo credit: Ecomuseum Zoo
Photo credit: Ecomuseum Zoo
Photo credit: Ecomuseum Zoo
Photo credit: Ecomuseum Zoo
Photo credit: Ecomuseum Zoo

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Photo credit: TQ - Jean-François Hamelin